The People of Beitreema

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The people of Beit Reema are 100% Arab and Muslim. It has about 5,000 inhabitants. It is characterized with a very high percentage of education.

The families are divided into three major families: Halibi, Hajaj and Bargouthi. The first two use the last name Rimawi most of the time, after Beit Reema.

Family History:

A look at the history of these families as generally known in Beit Reema:-

Halabi, as the name suggests, is named after Halab "Aleppo" in Syria. They belong to a Family called Mawali and they came to Palestine with Saladin as part of the plan of reestablishing Muslims in Palestine after the huge reduction of the inhabitants of Palestine during the Crusaders period. They were divided into three groups: A group settled in Nablus; Toqan family. Second settled in Abu Dees, Ayad Family. Third Settled in Beit Reema Halabi Family.

Barghouthi : little is known about this family that spreads in Beit Reema and the neighboring towns (Abud, Dar Ghassanah, Kofer Ayen, Kober and Deir Abu Mashal). The origin of this family is Deir Ghassanah Due to the anger of the ruler, he decided to break the family into pieces. He sent them to all these towns to make them weak).That what the legend says. Canaan : They consider themselves as Barghouthis now. But they are the only family that shares with the Aqels the status of being original Beit Reemans. Since they lived with the Aqels before the coming of the Barghouthis from Deir Ghassanah.

Hajaj: It is a collation of three smaller families. It is generally agreed that Aqel is the original family in Beit Reema. They are the original Beit Reemans. Asmer family started as two brothers who came from Kofer Abush. The habit was if a member of your family kills some one you have to leave the town part of the punishment. So these two brothers came to Beit Reema and were embraced by Aqel who needed manpower in their many fights with al-Barghouthi who would not accept non-Barghouthi and were stronger so they did not need extra people. Zeedan the same situation like Asmer. The three families’ relationship grow stronger with the intermarriages.
See the family tree of Beit Reema

It is important here to mention one family which used to be in Beit Reema. They were called Hadamsi ( they built the old Mosque in Beit Reema). This family was massacred by Barghouhi. The only survivor was a kid (Ratib Al atili ancestor). He lived since then in Abud.

Arabic language is spoken in Beit Reema. The dialect is the Palestinian rural dialect. Where the k is replaced with Ch (kalb "dog” is pronounced Chalb). The unique feature of dialect is displayed between Barghouthi and Rimawi in the use of the q letter "kof”. The Barghouthis pronounce it "QAF" while the Rimawis pronounce it "KAF”.

Beit Reema does not have traditional embroidered dress for woman.Old men wear the Kombaz "dimayah” .Old women in Beit Reema wear black Shalah " gown ",which was popular in Syria and still is in Iraq.

It shares the main Arabic Middle Eastern Palestinian food. The most popular dishes are "Makloba”and Msakhan due to the abundance of olive oil to make it.If you are special you will get stuffed pigeon. The most common breakfast in Beit Reema is "Zeit w Zatar”: olive oil and oregano.

80% percent of the people work as professionals (teachers, nurse , doctors ,lawyers....)and are part time farmers.10% are farmers .10% are laborers.

More than half of the original inhabitants of Beit Reema are living abroad mainly in Jordan, Golf area, Syria, USA, Colmobia, UK, Canada, France and Spain